How Construcía moved from a static business view to dynamic decision-making by automating treasury and bank reconciliation

A conversation with:
Isaac Jornet
Head of Treasury Grupo Construcía
Grupo Construcía’s finance team relied on manual processes for financial data management and bank reconciliation, which meant they were making decisions based on a static view of the business. For this reason, they aimed to improve their operational efficiency by implementing an integrated treasury solution with Microsoft Business Central.
Microsoft Business Central
Before Embat
  • Decision making based on a static view of the business
  • Time-consuming manual accounting and reconciliation
  • Manually extracting ERP data  (Microsoft Business Central) prior to accounting
  • The manual downloading and analysis of bank statements
  • Lack of real-time cash visibility
  • Reliance on multiple Excel files for data management
  • Reactive approach to financial management with little predictive capability
With Embat
  • Real-time dynamic treasury management
  • Automated accounting and bank reconciliation with AI
  • Improved accounting and bank reconciliation with categorisation rules and AI suggestions
  • Integration with the ERP (Microsoft Business Central) for automated accounting processes
  • Financial data and cash forecasting centralisation
  • Automated real-time cash visibility in real time
  • Reduced time spent on manual tasks
  • Improved operational efficiency and financial decision making

The customer

Grupo Construcía is an ecosystem of companies dedicated to transforming the construction sector and related industries through the circular economy. Its five companies span the entire value chain, from strategic consulting to construction, rehabilitation and circular asset management.

In early 2023, Grupo Construcía  decided to embark on an ambitious digital transformation plan, with the digitisation and automation of all its processes as one of the key pillars. The finance department was looking for an innovative solution to better manage its economic, material and human resources, promoting operational efficiency.

One of the biggest challenges for the finance team was to make decisions based on real-time data, as well as to optimise financial and operational management, ensuring a smooth and efficient integration of their solutions with their Microsoft Business Central ERP.

Accordingly, they implemented Embat to optimise operations by centralising financial data, automating accounting and bank reconciliation, and managing treasury in real time. By doing so, they sought to free up time for their team to focus on higher-value strategic activities.

"It was a fast, efficient and easy-to-implement solution. The main measurable impact on the team has been a 30% reduction in time it takes to fulfil treasury tasks. Without a doubt, the implementation of Embat is already a success story and is a model for the rest of the business to follow".

The challenge

Grupo Construcía’s finance team established a number of clear strategic objectives:

1. Improve visibility into its banking pool in real time

Having real-time data to effectively manage treasury and day-to-day operations, both short and long term.

2. Automate accounting and bank reconciliation processes

Reduce time spent on manual and repetitive tasks, minimising human error and improving operational efficiency.

3. Increase team productivity and quality of life

Digitise processes so that the finance team can focus on more strategic and value-added tasks, improving the work environment and employee well-being.

4. Optimise financial decision-making

Obtain a comprehensive view of financial health to make long-term decisions that drive the company's growth and stability.

The solution

Embat worked closely with Construcía's finance team to provide a solution that perfectly matched their needs and objectives. The goal was to optimise financial and operational management, ensuring smooth and efficient integration with Microsoft Business Central, while complying with the company's specific geographic and industry regulations.

Centralised real-time treasury‍ management

Embat has transformed Construcía's treasury management from a static to a dynamic approach, enabling the use of real-time data and significantly improving operational responsiveness and informed decision making.

Accounting automation and bank reconciliation powered by IA‍

Embat has automated bank accounting and reconciliation processes through generative artificial intelligence, using categorisation rules and providing journal entry suggestions, eliminating tedious manual tasks and improving the accuracy of accounting records.

End-to-end connectivity with Microsoft Business Central‍

Seamless integration via API with Microsoft Business Central has been agile and efficient, ensuring real-time synchronisation and the continuous availability of up-to-date financial information.

A transversal solution for treasury management‍

Embat is already an integral part of Construcía's financial department, being a transversal solution used for both treasury management and accounting, facilitating collaboration in all financial operations.

Customised and scalable platform‍

Embat was aligned to Construcía's requirements, offering flexibility and a growth path beyond other treasury management solutions, allowing for adaptation and expansion according to the company's needs.

The impact

The collaboration between Grupo Construcía  and Embat has achieved relevant results for the company:

Dynamic treasury management

Key treasury tasks have been optimised, reducing the time spent on cash forecasting by 30%, enabling more accurate liquidity management and freeing up resources for strategic approaches that drive the company's growth.

Accurate and streamlined bank reconciliation

Automated accounting and bank reconciliation with Embat has improved accuracy in account reconciliation, reducing the time spent on these processes and facilitating more efficient and accurate bookkeeping. This improvement has led to an accounting automation rate of over 80%.

Real-time cash visibility

‍Embat has provided Construcía with real-time cash visibility, improving day-to-day financial control and enabling the finance team to make informed decisions about the group's treasury positions.

Seamless ERP integration

Embat's integration with Microsoft Business Central has saved man-hours and reduced manual errors, optimising operational efficiency for the finance team.

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