How R2 Hotels streamlined treasury operations and improved cash flow forecasting with Embat

A conversation with:
Francisco Rodriguez Serrano
Finance Director at R2 Hotels
R2 Hotels improved their treasury management by integrating Embat with their ERP, Sage 200, and establishing real-time connectivity with their banks. They replaced manual Excel processes with real-time management, consolidated cash flow forecasting, and automated transaction categorisation, enhancing both efficiency and team collaboration.
Costa Calma, Las Palmas
Sage 200
Before Embat
  • Downloading Excel files and manually categorising bank transactions
  • Significant time lost creating repetitive Excel reports due to a lack of data integration
  • Uncertainty about when real cash flow tensions might occur
  • Cash flow forecasting used to rely on a single person, as collaborating effectively in Excel was not feasible
With Embat
  • Real-time treasury management
  • Consolidated cash flow forecasts 
  • Creation of rules to automate the categorisation of transactions
  • Integration with payment portfolios

The customer

R2 Hotels, originating from Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, has expanded with passion and commitment, now managing 11 tourist establishments on the finest beaches across Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, and Mallorca.

“Excel is a tool that limits work to one person at a time. With Embat, we can work collaboratively and streamline many processes. For me, a significant value of the solution is its continuous evolution, with new features based on my feedback and that of other clients. This allows us to have a platform tailored to our specific needs”.

The challenge

1. Optimising treasury management to free up time for the finance team

Before Embat, a lot of time was lost on manual and repetitive tasks, such as downloading numerous Excel files from different online banking portals, manually categorising bank transactions, and then creating recurring Excel reports. Thanks to the real-time connectivity with R2 Hotels' banks, the data is centralised and integrated, and the finance team can access it directly from the platform.

2. Improving visibility of potential cash flow challenges

Thanks to the integration with their ERP system, R2 Hotels can now work with much more reliable cash flow forecasts, helping them to identify and mitigate potential cash flow challenges.

3. Enhancing team efficiency and productivity

The ability to work more collaboratively and efficiently has enabled the finance team to focus on more strategic tasks.

The solution

Teams from Embat and R2 Hotels worked closely together to seamlessly implement the platform. The key components of the solution include:

Centralisation of data on a single platform

With centralised, real-time data, the finance team no longer needs to manage multiple Excel files or create new ones repeatedly. The bank reconciliation and cash pooling functionalities provide greater visibility and save time, allowing for better control over each account and financing product.

Creation of rules for categorising bank transactions

Time saved by creating rules that automatically categorise bank transactions and reflect them in the treasury forecasting menus.

More accurate cash flow forecasting in a collaborative environment

With the integration to Sage 200, the finance team now benefits from more accurate cash flow forecasts, enabling them to identify potential cash flow challenges and address them collaboratively—something that was previously unachievable with Excel.

Ongoing platform development based on feedback from R2 Hotels and other clients

The Embat platform evolves continuously based on feedback from clients like R2 Hotels. This close interaction with users allows for ongoing improvements, providing access to new, practical features tailored to the real-world needs of clients.

The impact

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